I want to Know more about a cell.

Let’s look inside !

Battery Report

In battery system development it is crucial that you really know the cells that you work with. This includes not only the cell perfor­mance but also the cells technology like internal cell construc­tion, safety features, used materials and chemistry. This requires opening and looking inside the cells. Unfor­tu­nately, opening cells is challenging, poten­tially dangerous and an environ­mental hazard. It requires proper equip­ment, handling and experi­ence. The good news: We take care of that. The Batemo Cell Report is a detailed tear down report that contains pictures, sketches and content about the impor­tant aspects of the cell. Check the Batemo Cell Explorer for off the shelf avail­able Batemo Cell Reports.



The Batemo Cell Report is avail­able off the shelf: Order today – get it tomorrow! Compre­hen­sive documen­ta­tion enables fast and reliable analysis of the cell technology. 


The Batemo Cell Report contains detailed physical infor­ma­tion of the cell internal struc­ture including layer thick­nesses, SEM picture’s, material analysis with EDX and more. 


Get to know your cell all the way down to the microm­eter scale with highest preci­sion. We must ensure highest quality data, simply because we need nothing less to develop the most accurate battery model on the market. 
Batemo Cell Reports come in form of a PDF document showing the cell interior, including descrip­tions and pictures of windings, layer thick­nesses, coating, safety down to the microstruc­ture and electrode materials used. Avail­able cells are listed in the Batemo Cell Explorer.
  • Perfor­mance Overview

    • summary of the cell perfor­mance as table data 
    • charac­ter­istic perfor­mance graphs at 25°C ambient temperature 
  • cell exterior

    • pictures and sketches of the cell exterior 
    • mechan­ical cell quanti­ties of the cell like dimen­sions, volumes and mass 
  • cell interior

    • details about the cell housing, the connec­tion tabs and the jelly roll
    • details about the anode, cathode and separator sheets
    • weight distri­b­u­tion of the cell components 
  • Safety features

    • internal short protec­tion and fuses 
    • poten­tial pressure release or burst valve 
  • Electrode microstruc­ture and material

    • SEM pictures of the anode and cathode microstructure 
    • EDX analysis, identi­fi­ca­tion of the electrode materials including stoichiometry 



deeper know-how

Gain a profound under­standing about the cells you work with. Evaluate the cells technology, savety and make your cell strategy sustainable.



Do not loose time in the lab for tedious cell opening, but get an exten­sive tear down report within days.


Lower cost

Reduce expenses on chemical labs and cell procure­ment by having the infor­ma­tion of all cells of the Batemo Cell Explorer directly available.

Do you want to know the cell details?