Battery Modeling and Simulation
efficient battery development needs
modeling techniques.
Building good batteries is a very difficult task: The behavior of batteries is notoriously complex as a myriad of physico-chemical processes are taking place at the same time, and the requirements in the various applications of batteries are highly diverse. Fortunately, there is a solution to cope with this complexity: simulation-based development.
Battery modeling and simulation provides a deep understanding of the battery behavior and speeds up system development while coping with the high complexity and variety of variants.
Let’s make this more clear:
Equivalent circuit models (ECM) mimic the terminal behavior of the cell using simple elements. Because the fundamental model structure does not match the cell physics and since nonlinearities are not properly considered, ECMs are too inaccurate.
On the other hand, finite element method (FEM) tools are prone to errors, parameterization takes several months and the model validity must be ensured by you. This makes the FEM approach too complex and too slow for development.
And that’s the challenge: developing batteries is an extremely difficult task…
batemo cell models do not simply mimic cell behavior, but precisely describe all electrical, chemical, and thermal processes inside the cell. This is true even under extreme conditions when conventional models fail.
Guranteed: Batemo Cells are the
most accurate
battery models on the market.
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Build the best system by letting Batemo Cell Models identify the optimal design and operation strategy.
materials and cell interior
single cell level