
A123 Systems 26700 NCA GL

锂离子电池 A123 Systems 26700 NCA GL 的 Batemo 电池模型是一个高精度的物理电池模型,具有全球有效性。 As a digital twin it seamlessly integrates into your research, development and battery analytics by basing your decisions on simulations.

Cell Origin purchased on free market
Cell Format 外圆
Dimensions 25.8 x 69.5 毫米
Weight 87.7 g
The nominal capacity originates from the manufacturer’s data sheet, if available. When the data sheet is unavailable, the nominal capacity is estimated. Batemo 在 25°C 的环境温度下,以 0.33A 的恒定电流(0.1C)将电池从 100% 放电,直至电压达到 2.5V,从而测量出 C/10 容量。 The thermal boundary condition is free convection.
标称3.30 Ah
C/103.42 Ah
All quantities are measurement results from the Batemo battery laboratory.
The continuous current is the highest current that completely discharges the cell without overheating it. 因此,在 25°C 的环境温度下,电池以恒定电流从 100% 的充电状态 (SOC) 开始放电,直到达到 10% 的剩余电量和 2.5V 的电压下限或 90% 的最高表面温度 (68°C)。
The peak current is the current that the cell can supply for 5 minutes. 因此,电池在 25°C 的环境温度下以恒定电流从 100% SOC 放电,直到 5 分钟后达到 2.5V 的电压下限或 75°C 的最高表面温度。 For cells that reach the maximum surface temperature, the measured current is taken directly as the peak current. For cells that do not reach the maximum surface temperature after 5 minutes because they reach the lower voltage limit first, the measured current is multiplied by a correction factor that estimates the current that would have heated the cell to the maximum surface temperature within 5 minutes.
The thermal boundary condition is free convection. These operating conditions may be outside the cell manufacturer’s specification.
连续5.49 A
峰值148 A
Batemo 在 25°C 的环境温度下,以 0.33A 的恒定电流(0.1C)将电池从 100% 放电,直至电压达到 2.5V,从而测量出 C/10 能量。 The thermal boundary condition is free convection.
C/1012.5 Wh
All quantities are measurement results from the Batemo battery laboratory.
The continuous power is the highest power that completely discharges the cell without overheating it. 因此,在 25°C 的环境温度下,电池以恒定电流从 100% 的充电状态 (SOC) 开始放电,直到达到 10% 的剩余电量和 2.5V 的电压下限或 90% 的最高表面温度(68°C)。
The peak power is the power the cell can supply for 5 minutes. 因此,电池在 25°C 的环境温度下以恒定电流从 100% SOC 放电,直到 5 分钟后达到 2.5V 的电压下限或 75°C 的最高表面温度。 For cells that reach the maximum temperature limit, the measured power is directly taken as peak power. For cells that do not reach the maximum surface temperature after 5 minutes because they reach the lower voltage limit first, the measured power is multiplied by a correction factor that estimates the power that would have heated the cell to the maximum surface temperature within 5 minutes.
The thermal boundary condition is free convection. These operating conditions may be outside the cell manufacturer’s specification.
连续20.2 瓦
峰值533 W
Energy Density
The energy densities result from the C/10 energy, the cell weight and the cell volume.
重量143 Wh/kg
容积339 Wh/l
Power Density
The power densities result from the peak power, the cell weight and the cell volume.
重力式6.08 千瓦/千克
容积式14.44 千瓦/升

A123 Systems 26700 NCA GL Model

锂离子电池 A123 Systems 26700 NCA GL 的 Batemo 电池模型是一个高精度的物理电池模型,具有全球有效性。 As a digital twin it seamlessly integrates into your research, development and battery analytics by basing your decisions on simulations. See the details to learn more about the features and capabilities of the Batemo Cell Model. Batemo demonstrates the accuracy and validity of the Batemo Cell Model by comparing battery simulation and measurement data in the range given below. Validation is extensive, experimental characterization covers the total operational area of the cell: At low and high temperatures, up to the maximal current and in the whole state of charge range. 

State of Charge Range 0 … 100%
Current Range

The current range are the electrical current limits as used in the Batemo battery laboratory. 请参阅 A123 Systems 26700 NCA GL 数据表,了解电池当前安全工作区域的精确定义。
-363 A 放电 …302 A 充电(-110.0C … 90.0C)
Voltage Range

The voltage range are the electrical voltage limits as used in the Batemo battery laboratory. 请参阅 A123 Systems 26700 NCA GL 数据表,了解电池工作电压安全区域的准确定义。
2.5 … 4.2 V
Temperature Range

The temperature range are the thermal limits as used in the Batemo battery laboratory. 请参阅 A123 Systems 26700 NCA GL 数据表,了解电池工作温度安全区域的准确定义。
-20 …75 °C

Moreover, the Batemo Cell Model validation will be fully transparent. The Batemo Cell Data contains the raw measurement and simulation data. For all experiments the voltage, temperature, power and energy accuracies are calculated. This allows straight-forward evaluation and analysis of the Batemo Cell Model validity. 图中显示了 A123 Systems 26700 NCA GL 电池的部分特性数据,用于评估电池性能。 The prediction of the Batemo Cell Model is included as soon as the Batemo Cell Model is finished.

Discharge Characteristics


  • Discharge Characteristics: The electrical and thermal discharge behavior is strongly nonlinear.
  • Pulse Characteristics: The shape of different current pulses changes strongly.
  • Energy Characteristics: The graph visualizes how much energy the cell can deliver when operated at different powers.
  • Power Characteristics: The more power the cell supplies, the shorter it can deliver the power.
  • Thermal Characteristics: The greater the thermal losses, the more the cell heats up, resulting in higher depleted power.

Pulse Characteristics


show experiment definitions

Discharge Characteristics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with different constant currents at different ambient temperatures. The thermal boundary condition is free convection. 当电压达到 2.5V 或表面温度达到 75°C 时,测量停止。
Pulse Characteristics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with current pulses followed by no-load phases at different ambient temperatures. The thermal boundary condition is free convection. 当电压达到 2.5V 或表面温度达到 75°C 时,测量停止。 The graph shows a zoomed view of the measurement to visualize one of the pulses.
Energy Characteristics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with different constant currents at 25°C. The thermal boundary condition is free convection. 当电压达到 2.5V 或表面温度达到 75°C 时,测量停止。 The graph shows the derived exchanged energy and average power of the experiment.
Power Characteristics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with different constant currents at 25°C. The thermal boundary condition is free convection. 当电压达到 2.5V 或表面温度达到 75°C 时,测量停止。 The graph shows the derived experiment duration and average power of the experiment.
Thermal Characteristics
The cell is discharged from 100% SOC with different constant currents at 25°C. The thermal boundary condition is free convection. 当电压达到 2.5V 或表面温度达到 75°C 时,测量停止。 The graph shows the cell surface temperature at the end and the derived average power of the experiment.

Energy Characteristics

How much energy can it deliver?


Power Characteristics

How long can it deliver the power?


Thermal Characteristics

How hot does it get?


The mean accuracies and supported simulation tools are published as soon as the Batemo Cell Model is finished.

A123 Systems 26700 NCA GL Data

Batemo 对 A123 Systems 26700 NCA GL 锂离子电池芯进行了广泛的实验鉴定。 The data contains measurement results in the total operational area of the cell. The descriptions and graphs below explain and show the available measurements. The Batemo Cell Viewer allows easy and fast analysis, evaluation and comparison of the data. See the details to learn more.

Constant Currents

The cell is discharged from 100% SOC or charged from 0% SOC with different constant currents at different ambient temperatures. The thermal boundary condition is free convection. 当电压达到 2.5V 或 4.2V 或表面温度达到 75°C 时,测量停止。 The graph shows for which ambient temperatures and charging and discharging constant currents measurements are available.

Pulse Currents

The cell is discharged from 100% SOC or charged from 0% SOC with current pulses followed by no-load phases at different ambient temperatures. The thermal boundary condition is free convection. 当电压达到 2.5V 或 4.2V 或表面温度达到 75°C 时,测量停止。 The graph shows for which ambient temperatures and pulse currents measurements are available.

Power Profiles

The cell delivers a typical power profile from 100% SOC at different ambient temperatures. The thermal boundary condition is free convection. 当电压达到 2.5V 或表面温度达到 75°C 时,测量停止。 The table summarizes for which ambient temperatures the profile is available.

Ambient Temperature Available
-20 °C profile_check
0 °C profile_check
25 °C profile_check
40 °C profile_check