Explore the Blade Cell Technology 

Get a detailed benchmark study

Blade Cell Report

Explore Strategy& and Batemo’s report on 『Blade cell』 technology, highlighting the innovative design and cost efficiency of lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries in the Chinese automotive sector. The study features a detailed benchmark analysis with a physical teardown and cost estimation to evaluate the Blade cell’s competitiveness. 

Discover key insights into the electrochemical and mechanical design of the Blade cell – optimized for seamless cell-to-pack integration. Based on Batemo’s comprehensive cell analysis, the report looks inside the cell and benchmarks the cell technical performance incl. energy density and cycle stability.

Discover how China maintains a competitive edge with lower energy and labor costs, and how Europe can achieve global competitiveness by optimizing production processes and reducing scrap rates. The report’s comparative analysis highlights the cost challenges faced by German production sites and offers strategies to overcome them.

Download the report to explore the latest battery insights to enhance your battery strategy and get in contact with us!

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