Explore the Blade Cell Technology 

Get a detailed bench­mark study

Blade Cell Report

Explore Strategy& and Batemo’s report on “Blade cell” techno­logy, highligh­ting the innova­tive design and cost efficiency of lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batte­ries in the Chinese automo­tive sector. The study features a detailed bench­mark analysis with a physical teardown and cost estima­tion to evaluate the Blade cell’s competitiveness. 

Discover key insights into the electro­che­mical and mecha­nical design of the Blade cell – optimized for seamless cell-to-pack integra­tion. Based on Batemo’s compre­hen­sive cell analysis, the report looks inside the cell and bench­marks the cell technical perfor­mance incl. energy density and cycle stability.

Discover how China maintains a compe­ti­tive edge with lower energy and labor costs, and how Europe can achieve global compe­ti­ti­ve­ness by optimi­zing produc­tion processes and reducing scrap rates. The report’s compa­ra­tive analysis highlights the cost challenges faced by German produc­tion sites and offers strate­gies to overcome them.

Download the report to explore the latest battery insights to enhance your battery strategy and get in contact with us !

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